Orthopedic issues affect our bones, joints, and connective tissues—muscles, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments. These form the foundation of how we live "our normal." When these parts are strong and functional, we move through daily life effortlessly and rarely give them a second thought.
However, when something breaks or falters, life can come to a sudden halt. It’s a stark reminder of how important our bodies are for everyday tasks and also for our more ambitious pursuits.
The synchronization of bones, joints, and connective tissues occurs every nanosecond. At some point, a piece of this system will sustain damage. This risk increases with age.
Despite their prevalence and impact, musculoskeletal conditions—the collective term for issues affecting bones, joints, and connective tissues—receive far less attention in research funding, public awareness, and discourse than they deserve. It's time to change that and give this system the recognition it needs.
According to a National Health Interview Survey in 2015, approximately 1 in 2 adults in the United States reported a musculoskeletal condition. It’s the most common medical condition for those under 65 and the second most common for those 65 and older (behind circulatory conditions such as heart disease and stroke).
More recent data from the 2016–2018 NHIS indicates that spinal pain and chronic health conditions remain highly prevalent in the United States.
Additionally, a 2022 report from the UK's Office for Health Improvement and Disparities highlights that nearly two in every ten people aged 16 and over in the UK report having a long-term musculoskeletal condition.
The belief that orthopedic issues are exclusive to elite athletes or senior citizens is simply untrue. Orthopedic problems can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
The effects of orthopedic issues extend far beyond physical discomfort. These conditions can dramatically affect daily life, work capacity, and overall quality of life.
Despite their prevalence, orthopedic issues remain overshadowed by other medical conditions like cancer or cardiovascular disease. Raising awareness and investing in research can help bridge this gap.
Orthopedic conditions are common across all age groups. Given their widespread occurrence and the profound effect on individuals' lives, these conditions deserve greater attention. These conditions significantly impact daily living, work productivity, and quality of life.
BounceBack believes in addressing the mental and emotional challenges that accompany orthopedic recovery. Our app and physical products focus on creating social connections, building emotional resilience, and providing tools to track progress. Together, we can help individuals regain their strength and embrace life fully once more.